Glade kunder med skotske højlandshjorte
Vi har igen i år haft mange jægere afsted i det skotske højland, som alle har fået rygsækken fyldt op med fantastiske jagt- og naturoplevelser! Hjortejagten i det skotske højland, er svær at beskrive med ord – den bør opleves på egen krop!
Amanda og Jessica fra Alaska var afsted i starten af oktober og sendte os dette lille skriv efter jagten:
Good morning Danish Lads,
What an amazing experience! I got the full Scottish experience, rain, wind, beautiful land scenery, scaling mountains and I won’t ever forget it! 160yrd shot from a cliff side perch, like a sniper. The guide was great and Graham (the outfitter) did amazing setting up the EXACT hunt I was looking to have
Amanda had the one nice and sunny day with 100yrd belly crawl to her shot, 180yrd shot. She was on a different estate and shot the first day of hunting.
Thanks again,
Jessica & Amanda
The Alaska Chicks